Tuesday, July 17, 2012

St. Tropez Today!


It's currently 7:20 AM and today our group heads to St. Tropez. We're taking both a bus and a boat to get to there and - from what I've heard - this is an experience of a lifetime. I'm really excited to head out and see St. Tropez for myself.

I haven't done much these past few days... I ran along Promenade Des Anglais with some friends the other day, and have been going to classes and electives. On Monday in photography, we attempted to take some pictures in black and white with lots of grain. Classes have been very interesting... On Monday we talked about food and then walked to a French epicerie to purchase some fruit for a fruit salad. Yesterday we talked about books and literature, and then went to a librarie, which is actually a French bookstore.

After class, I headed with my closest friends to our usual cafe and had carbonara. We all ate far too much food, and we walked to the beach. We had a good amount of free time yesterday, so most of it was spent sunning by the sea and swimming in the Mediterranean. It was absolutely beautiful yesterday and a perfect temperature.

So far I'm having an absolutely amazing time. I'm so grateful for this opportunity and I'm really looking forward to the next two weeks.

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