Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Beach Day!

Yesterday during class, we learned about the future tense. Of all days, yesterday was my most enlightening class period. I finally understand the future tense, and I'm really really excited about being able to use it. It opens up whole new possibilities during conversations.

 After class, we were given a free day. Excited and feeling deprived of beach time, my friends and I purchased Kebabs and walked to the beach as we ate. The day was absolutely gorgeous. There were some clouds so it wasn't too warm. We all managed to improve our tans and meet some other Americans. We all ended up back at home around 8. The rest of the group went bowling, and because I hadn't been feeling too well for a few days, I decided to go to bed very early!

Today I woke up early to get breakfast with a friend, and went to class. We discussed problems of the planet like global warming and overpopulation. We watched some trailers from documentaries and discussed the main issues the films wanted to addressed. We then headed out for a photo scavenger hunt to find things promoting local products, organic items, green transportation, etc.

Later today we're heading to Freegate to cook dinner and have some more beach time!

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